Saturday, 18 April 2009

NCC and Chinese pirating firm!

A week after the Nigerian Copyright Commission carried out a night raid on three optic disc plants in Lagos, its Zonal Manager, Lagos Operational Office, Mr. Emeka Ogbonna, has given details of the experience the team had at Akina Music International Limited, caught in the process of illegal mass production of suspected pirated products.
Three people, including the Managing Director, Mr. Sook Allen, a Chinese national from Hong Kong were arrested at the company formerly called Benrit Outlook Ltd, Ogbonna said.

According to the NCC official, the team had a tough time before it could gain entry into Akina’s premises in the course of the raid carried out with mobile policemen between 11 pm and 5am.

“We were refused entry for over one hour,” Ogbonna said. “But because we knew work was going on in the factory, we stood our ground in front of the gate.Please read the full story on the news update column

They move into Nigeria in droves. They come with their kits and kings. It is easy for them to get Visa into Nigeria because they are 'expats'. They were expats working in farms and at the worst conditions possible to humans. Some were factory workers. But when they come into Nigeria they are celebrated. Their government on the other hand is raping the national for a mere pat on the back. They decide what the government gives them and they also decide what they give back.

What a sorry state? I am not against international relation but these guys are screwing the corruption hole in the high places to rip off the country while we have nothing to show for it.
Recently we were told that the satellite which they launched for Nigeria went missing. Then we were made to understand that they would replace it at no cost due to insurance cover. Few weeks later we read that the Nigerian govt has agreed to co-fund the replacement to a tune of several billions.
What happened to the insurance? Do we not deserve to be told what has gone wrong? May be the chinese government which is known to be autocratic has intimidated Yar'Adua to accepting or sharing responsibility. They would have put up one funny explanation to the politicians who know nothing about the project since uncle Musa has preferred to use politicians in place of technocrats.

I will not be surprised if this so called Akina guy is let off without any charge.
Even if he was charged, he would surely know some palms to grease who will let him go without being punished.
Sometime ago it was reported that the $8bn railway project contracted to a chinese firm was discovered to be fraud. The government's suspension of the project did not go down well with the Chinese authority not minding the corruption tag on the contract. Who cares as long as they get some money out of it. You may want to see these as neo-colonialism. It is clear that some Nigerians are benefiting from this scam just like it was during the slave trade. But why should the rest fold their arms and watch the house burn to ashes?
An Indian business man representing one pharmaceutical company one time told us that he likes doing business in Nigeria because it only takes a little money changing hands and on will be allowed to do what one wants.

I wait to see when this will end. I hope it will in my lifetime!

Yar'Adua, do not sell Nigeria to the chinese and chinese government. We are a sovereign country for crying out loud.

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