Monday, 20 April 2009

Commercialisation of research Findings!

As the oil industry continues to crash, the global economic meltdown persist and Nigeria still depends heavily on importation of almost everything it needed to run its economy, its vision to become one the most vibrant global economies by 2020 can best be described as ‘moonlight tales’ except it begins to take the issue of industrialization seriously.

The first step would be to look inwards and pick up products of research by local scientist and commercialize them. Not commercializing means that we are importing everything we need: clothing, furniture, electronics etc but the one that is even taking more money is that the few industries doing some form of production imports all machines they require and this is valued at hundreds of millions in foreign exchange every year. Just think of generators as an example.

All the generators that are used in this country are all imported, all the grinding mills, think of any equipment. Some of these are simple equipments that our researchers can work on and produce locally. If they are produced locally it means you can buy them locally and the producer can employ more people so attacking unemployment problem and creating wealth because they can make more money and invest in other areas and most importantly .....
Please read the rest in the news update cloumn

Probably their is someone who has some free mind to spare in Uncle Musa's govt. This one probably has decided not to use all his brain to plot how to loot the nation. I am assuming he is sincere in what he has said. The saying Joseph Schumpeter that innvation is the motor of devlopment regarding the role of technical progress in the economic growth of a nation cannot be ignored if Nigeria is to move forward. During the world economic forum in Davos 2008, the Intel chief said, ' Everywhere I go, I have always seen the same thing: a corelation between innovation, new ideas and success of the economy'
This is the koko of the ministers interview abi na article is this: 'Cann’t Nigeria put something on the global table? Must we remain a nation that just consumes what others have produced? Now that the oil industry is crashing do we still have the money to sustain the huge importation? But Nigeria will gain a lot if it commercializes some of the products of local research and innovation'.

That question in italics should be answered by the educational institutions. Assuming this guy is serious, I am sure he will be disappointed if he wants to look inside for some commercialisable research findings. Not that he may not find any but he may be dismayed that majority of what is called research are cooked up results. Sorry to say this but I learnt authoritatively of a lecturer who copied the work of another researcher and published word for word in a journal. When the orinal author complained to the head of department, he was told to let it be. I cannot laugh!

When will the lecturers engage in research when most of them are busy chasing after their female students and victimising those who refused their advances? When they are not doing that they are busy copying other peoples work without referencing and go ahead to publish them as their book which ofcourse are sellable only in their faculties? They sell these to students at cut throat prices. It is all about money forgeting that genuine research spins money as well. How can they can have time for research?

Where will the research work to commercialise come from? I went for an update lecture in my field and which was mandatory in order to renew my professional registration in 2006. One of the courses which was tagged 'recent advances in ....' was quoting methods which were in use in the 70s. The course teacher was refering to methods which are about being faced out in europe as still being developed for future use. As at 2006, the most recent reference in the paper she wrote was a paper written in 1989.

How will such a lectuer who cannot even update herself update the attendants. such are the people the honourable minister will be looking up to for some some commercialisbale research findings! oops!

And to even think that most of the present students in our secondary and higher institution of learning glorify 'expo' makes one wondetr who will do the researches in the first place. Research findings I am sure do not come from lazy students who are aided by their parents to obtain exam papers in advance and cheat. They come from curious students who want to find out something new. It is all about interest. At the moment the interst is in money, stealing and making it big! No body is against making it big but make it the right way. Nigeria needs a pride of place in the world. Like the minister, I say, can't we put anything on the global table?

I was looking at a thread in nairaland where participants of most recent JAMB exams were boasting of how they saw the exam questions days before the exam day. And even at that one will wonder why only one person could score up to 310.
It is very crazy. God save Nigeria. There is need for a re-orientation

It will be unfair if I group all the academics as money and women mongers. There are some few exceptions who are trying to make a difference. Talk about Prof Okey Esimone whose research prowress has endeared him to the western world. He is presently undertaking a research project which is meant to be commercilaised in the US. he developed the research in Nigeria. He is based in Nigeria. The likes of Prof. M. U. Adikwu is one of a kind. His ability to make things out of nothing has given him many international awards. He is presently working under this honourable minister. 'Just mentioned the few I know. You might want to mention some in the comment column lets take a stock and see what we have in Nigeria not outside.

It is high time research in our unuversities is given its due place. Let the lecturers and the VCs stop embezlling funds meant for research. Those funds are meant for masters and PhD scholarships. I was talking with a friend from Ghana and she was surprised that unlike in Ghana Phd students mostly sponsor themsevles in Nigeria. I do not know for sure but she made me believe that in ghana there is sponsorship for PhD. I do not know of anything like that in Nigeria that is functional. How do one expect a student to perform at his best when he is struggling to pay his school fee, buy his laboratory chemicals and what have you and possibly take care of his family. Even the best cannot perform optimaly in such an arrangment. And the worst of it all is that when they present seminars they are expected to entertain the audience from their pockets. They are also expected to give some money to the examinars both internal and external. What an aberation. I can go on. Some have been made to buy fuel for their superbvisors just for them to come and see their work which at the end of the day it is the lecteurers that publish using their names as the main authors.

Mr minister, there is a long way to go but we will get there if you are sincere!

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