An online discussion featuring Nigerians was asked if they would turn in a relative of a friend who is a fraudster. Sixty-two people participated in the discussion that featured 178 replies. We had 178 replies because some participants submitted more than one replies in other to support their positions.
A poll attached to the discussion with 52 voters indicated that 68% would not while 31% would. My data came from the replies of participants not the poll.Out of the 62 participants, 71% said they would never turn in a 419ner. 21% said they would while 8% were undecided. Majority of those who said they would not blamed the economic condition which was occasioned by bad leadership for the emergence of internet fraud in Nigeria. They also believed that the leaders are fraudsters and should be turned in first before the yahoo yahoo boys. Also some of them argued that it is a futile effort turning in a fraudster to a fraudster stating that EFCC and the police are made up of thieves and fraudsters. They were of the opinion that it would be dangerous to do so because sooner than later, the fraudster who is a relative that you turned in will bribe his way out of detention and will never be tried. Worse still they said that the police or EFCC will also make sure that the fraudster knows who reported him to them, a situation which they pointed out as being dangerous. The naysayers think it is stupid and people around would look at you as being jealous rather being patriotic. The mindset amongst them is that an average Nigerian is a fraudster and it is therefore an exercise in futility to turn in a thief to a fraudster. If 71% of Nigerians think that an average Nigerian is a fraudster and therefore it is not illegal to defraud, then the future is bleak. It is distressing to see some respondents saying that the act of 419 is a talent. Ask them how they think Nigeria will progress with such mindset, they would say that they would pray for miracles. Why will we be praying for a miracle to come out of a situation which we walked ourselves into? At the slightest chance, they would call for the heads of the leaders who they claim are the cause of their woes. When they are told the leaders were once like them and believed that Nigeria is corrupt; that a corrupt populace can never throw up good leaders; they would say it is unfair to go after the small thieves(yahoo yahoo boys) while the big thieves(the leaders) are allowed to move around. That seems to logical however, it should not be forgotten that the society has what it takes to prevent the creation of the big thief. If the average Nigerian who thinks it is normal to be fraudulent changes his mindset, when he is eventually elected into office, he will go there with the mindset that corruption is evil and that it destroys the image and fabric of the society and that it prevents foreign investment and cooperation and leads to underdevelopment.
Nigeria a country with vast human and material resources is still neck deep in poverty and infrastural decay, erratic power and import based economy because the societal value is such that recognition is based on how much you have in your bank account not minding how such money got there. It is so bad that any individual who comes out of a public office with out amassing wealth is looked upon as an idiot. That led to the saying of a late politician who say in Igbo 'Onye ube ruru ya racha' meaning whoever the pear gets to let him eat all. Better put, it could be interpreted as the winner takes all.
The leaders knowing this go ahead to loot the public treasury dry. The leaders were once like you and I. They know they have the subtle support of a majority who will flock to their side to get the crumbs from their table. Why would they not feel free to loot when they know and feel the common man on the street does not care. in fact he will willingly lend himself as an instrument of looting. They leaders are from the society and they know the feeling. That is why we are where we are. if the leaders are aware that the society from which they come from do not tolerate double standard and looting, they would be careful on how the intend to loot. But as it stands now, it only a man of conscience who would want to serve the people he was 'elected' to serve. How many are they that still have conscience? It could be you tomorrow. Can you make a difference?
For the discussion, see the link below
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