Sunday, 16 May 2010

Happy New year in May!

It has been a while since I last updated this blog. I do apologise to you for my absence. Hopefully, I will make time more often to tell you what I think about the episodes in Nigeria.

Thank God we have recovered from Turai-asis and cabal-sis. Let us see if Jonathan will give us any respite now that he has been enthroned. That is if he has the balls to call the bluff when he needs to. The romance between him and the Ota farmer appears however to be very strong. If he allows the latter who described elections in Nigeria as a do or die affair then I am afraid the crude politics and the corruption of the past will still reign supreme.

I do wish Dr GEJ will grow some balls and be the president he is and not a man pushed about by greedy and power hungry Godfathers and governors.
We need a new Nigeria!